Since 2018, The Ban Ki-Moon Center for Global Citizens select outstanding young people who are creating impact in their local communities through innovative and inspiring micro projects around the globe.
We are thrilled to see the selection of our Co-Founder, Samuel Kofi Afadu been selected to the class of 2019 Global Citizen Scholars.
The new batch of the Ban Ki-moon Global Citizen scholars of this year met with the Ban Ki-moon Centre team and its Board members in Alpbach on August 25th. A total of 6 scholars were chosen this year respectively from Rwanda, South Korea, Ghana, Jordan, and Nigeria
The Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens is a Quasi-International Organization based in Vienna, Austria. The Centre was established in January 2018 and is co-chaired by Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the UN (2007 – 2016) and by Heinz Fischer, 11th President of the Republic of Austria (2004 – 2016). The Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens is an independent nonprofit organization under Austrian law.
Samuel got selected to the 2019 class based on founding Light My World International and leading the Light to Read Read project which seeks to provide efficient and clean solar light for students and families living in off-grid communities.
Samuel (Global Citizen Scholar 2019) is a passionate change-maker and Co-Founder of Light My World International, an NGO providing access to safe and clean lightning solutions to students living in villages without electricity. His SDG Micro-Project ‘‘Light to Read‘‘ focused on SDG 4, 7, and 10, aims to increase access to solar lamps and reduce dependency on kerosene lamps and candles among students living in rural communities. Solar-powered LED lamps which are a clean, safe, and efficient source of light give students the chance to read after sunset, improving their reading and academic performances.
In Ghana, over 6 million people are living without electricity in their homes. Children who find themselves in such communities
and homes are therefore compelled to complete their homework with candle light, kerosene lamps, touch light and other
inefficient source of light, an additional expense for the poor parents. This expose the children to harmful pollutants from the
fumes of the kerosene lamps which are not healthy to the children. It is estimated that over 3.5 million people die every year from
harmful pollutants or fires in the home produced by costly and toxic solid fuels.

The Scholarship program offered by the Ban Ki-Moon Center is a great opportunity that provides leadership training in a fast paced environment through participating in seminars, master classes and high level conferences with global leaders. Its exposes the good work of such Scholars and young people to global network of constant learning and opportunities, connecting you with stakeholders that can support your initiave and ideas.
The Staff at the Ban Ki-Moon centre, from the CEO, Program Officer and every one are very kind, open to brilliant work by young people on the globe and every ready to support you when needed. It is truly amazing to be part of such a group.